HUEI.com was a personal portfolio website create by a Digital Media student - Hwa Shee Huei as a platform to promote her artwork. The name of this website is come from the student’s last name “Huei”.
The styling of HUEI.com represent the student’s characteristic. The website are designed in a minimalist style to represent she is a simple and clean person. Not only that, because she is a Digital Media student, she will connect with difference media, softwares and devices. So minimalist style can bring out some futuristic feels to represent her.
She choose to use monotone color apply on her website to make the website look peace and clean, it also make the website more formal and classic. Beside that, she put effort on the fonts too, she choose the classic and solid font type to make it easy to read.a
Let’s see her website:
And the about page, is her personal information :
Contact page, people can write an email to her here :
And the next is her portfolio page, here is the page for showcase her website design :
She don’t choose to use gallery layout for showcase her art work, but use canvas layout, because it make people can see from one art work to another art work. But she also have a light box mode to let’s people can view it clearly.
The page for showcase her poster design :
And the last page is for showcase her photography series :
She design her website only have 5 page, but there have enough information to promote her self, to let’s people can easy to view and won’t lose in her website.
Credit by : Hwa Shee Huei