Drive-Thru+ is an advertising video to promote Mc Donald Drive Thru service, the video using Neon style to bring out the concept of future technology. Also, it combines 90s arcade game graphic to make it more stylish and interesting. The story in the video is talk about a race competition, they are 2 cars who are comparing who is the first to reach in terminal point. On the way, they required to buy fast food. The starting scene is an interface of arcade game. The 2 cars , “Ebony” and “Ivory”. From the beginning, “Ivory” is faster then “Ebony". After that “Ivory” drive in to Mc Donald drive thru to order food, and stuck at the line. When “Ivory” stuck on the line, “Ebony” change direction and pass through a tunnel. there have a word - “Drive Thru +” at the entrance of the tunnel. Inside the tunnel, “Ebony” can get the food also through food. At the End, “Ebony” win the game.
Let’s watch the advertising video, enjoy.
Credit by : Nah Wei Hao